You can see some photos of the newly-completed building where I'm living here. If you click on 'Building Evolution' and play the clip, my place is just above the left-hand blue bit on the, I don't get the great views of the skyscraper rooftops and the lake but I do get a view of the rather lovely St. James' Cathedral and lots of firefighters as they fly past with their sirens blaring at least five times a night!! The noise is the only's not the quietest part of town...but that's the price you pay for being in the heart of the city.

For my birthday a couple of months ago Jo and Ian bought me a pair of tickets to see The Magic Numbers play here in Toronto. Whilst delighted to receive them, I was rather stumped as I had no idea who they were. Anyway, having managed to track them down on MySpace I realised I had actually heard a lot of their songs, had hummed along to a few of their tracks on the radio and liked their music a lot! I'm not exactly as up to speed on the music scene as I was once was. I think Jess got a similar 'Who?' response from me when she suggested a group of us see Amy Winehouse play last year! Anyway, the other week we went along to the graffitied 'Lee's Palace', which we thought sounded more like a Chinese restaurant than a concert hall, to watch them play. We were a bit freaked out at the start by the support act as he was a very blond cherub-like looking guy in an alice band with a moustache and Malcolm McClaren fashion sense (very tight lime green and black checked trousers). He stood on his tippy toes throughout his set. This may have been because of his tight trousers which I also suspect had something to do with why he sang in a very high, very camp way!! It was not pleasant on the ears. Anyway, things improved once the long-haired ones, The Magic Numbers, arrived. It was a great gig and we really enjoyed it. Thanks Jo and Ian! You should be able to hear one of their tracks below...just in case you are sitting there going "Who?" as well!
Last week, my mum and dad arrived and spent a few days with me here in Toronto before flying out west to Calgary. It was great to see them and I think they enjoyed their first few days sightseeing in Canada. Dad seemed to overcome his vertigo and spent two hours snapping the view from the CN Tower at every angle and mum was in heaven at the Bata Shoe Museum! We also managed to sneak in the first night of the Toronto International Film Festival and went along to the world premiere of Neil Jordan's new film, The Brave One, starring Jodie Foster, both of whom attended along with various other Hollywood players.

So far, I've had a fantastic time attending various festival films and events. My number of star-spots is now into double figures. The list to date is as follows:
George Clooney; Matt Damon; Ben Afleck; Reese Witherspoon; Jake Gyllenhall; Helen Hunt; Jodie Foster; Sean Penn; William Hurt; Tilda Swinton; Aaron Eckhart; and, Clive Owen...and, it's only day four!